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Dr Arthur JULIEN

Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg
Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg
Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg
Priya Dwivedi closer.jpg

Employment experience: 

2023 – Now: Research Fellow (UNSW)

2023: Research Fellow (Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile de France, France)



2020 – 2023: Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Sciences and Technologies (Institut Photovoltaïque d’Ile de France, France)

2018 – 2020: Masters in Energy (Paris-Saclay University, France)

2016 – 2020: Supélec Engineering Degree (Centrale-Supélec, France)


Research interests: 

  • Semi-conductor theory and physics of solar cells

  • Advanced characterisation techniques for solar cell performance and semiconductor material properties

  • Modelling and numerical methods for analysing solar cell performance


Why is your research important?  

Characterisation is crucial to grasp the physics behind solar cell behaviour. For instance, performance characterisation is necessary to identify better-performing materials or manufacturing processes. Tandem solar cells are promising candidates to improve power conversion efficiency at low environmental and economic costs. Appropriate characterisation techniques are crucial to support the development of these high-efficiency photovoltaic devices. In an industrial context, reliable, high-throughput characterisation techniques allow for identifying faults, improving fabrication quality, and enhancing overall production performances.

What do you like about research?  

I am deeply curious about understanding the physical driving forces in nature and how to observe and understand them. I like the fact that in developing high-performing solar cells, we not only improve technology but also discover or gain a better understanding of new physical phenomena and materials. Even when our objective is simply to design an object, we contribute to the expansion of human scientific knowledge.

What do you like to do when you are not saving the world?  

Doing sports such as cycling, running, and hiking to explore nature, or cultural activities like visiting museums, and going to the cinema or theatre.

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